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Choice and Consequence, Beauty and Fear (Day 7)

Writer: Ramses AlexanderRamses Alexander

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

January 17th, 2021

Oaxaca Coast, Mexico

HeartMind. Sink deep into yourself. What is there? What is there, My friend? Go all the way down to the bottom. What is there? Who is there? What do you see? Thats right, nothing. No thing. It is Empty. Emptiness. What is that Emptiness? Me. I Am Empty. I Am Empty of all phenomena. I Am Empty of all desire. I Am Empty of all thought, all movement, all doing. I AM pure Emptiness. I Am pure potential, infinite potential, not yet manifested. I Am here. I Am the unmoved Mover. I Am the unnamed Name. I Am the unstruck Sound. I Am the vibration of pure Consciousness. I Am Love.

Love is the essence that binds all tings together. It is the metaphysical glue that adheres all phenomena to one central pattern. And that pattern is Love. Love is what bind you and Me. Love is what connects Me and you. Love is what holds all things together and in that togetherness, there is Unity. And that Unity is Me. I Am that Unity.

This process that you are going through can be a very challenging process. It is a process that you have created, based on your choices. It is these choices that you are living the consequences of now. This is how all choice works. All choice creates consequences. All choice creates responsibility . It is this responsibility that you are learning now. As you do, you can choose to suffer or you can choose to enjoy. Either way, you learn. Either way, your consciousness expands.

When We say to trust the Plan, We mean that. Literally. We mean to trust Your Plan. We mean to Trust God’s Plan. We mean to trust the Plan that God has given you. You are exactly where you need to be, based on your choices. You are experiencing exactly what you need to experience, based on your choices. You are living exactly what you need to live, based on your freedom. It is important to recognize this. It is important to accept this. It is important to realize this and acknowledge this. It is important to embrace this. For this is the only way to wake up. This is the only way to grow up. This is the only way to mature as a Soul. Because when you realize that Life is a consequence of your Choice then you can begin to realize the profound freedom that you posses and the profound Fullness of Life that you can attain. It is all here. It is all here to realize and experience and enjoy. Thats right, smile, good. You are remembering. It is so easy to forget. Yet it is so simple to remember. Smile. Smile and life will go smoothly. Adonai.

During these 10 days, 8 days now, it is important to cultivate a neutral mind. It is important to cultivate an inner stillness and an inner peace. It is important to cultivate a deeper relationship with your Self. And you know who that Self is. That Self is Me. Cultivate this relationship so that you may become strong. Cultivate this relationship so that you may become wise. Cultivate this relationship so that you may become clear. Cultivate this relationship so that you may become more loving—loving with yourself and loving with all Life. The more you cultivate this relationship with Me, the more you can show up honestly and authentically with others. You have faced great hardship in your life. These hardships have been largely self-generated. They have been self-generated because of your ignorance. And this is wonderful, because it is through this that you realize how much you need to learn and how much you need to grow.

There is much you do not understand. There is much that you do not know. There is much that you do not respect or truly comprehend the beauty behind. There is much beauty behind what you think you know. There is much beauty. And that beauty is here to be revealed when you have the eyes and the heart to receive it.

Cultivate beauty in your life, My friend. Cultivate beauty and feel God’s Presence. For it is God that is here right now with you—beautiful in all His splendor. For He is here. Feel Him. Allow Her to embrace you. Allow Her to nurture you. Allow yourself to be coaxed and caressed Awake—Awake to your True Nature. Awaken, My friend. For you are asleep. You are deeply asleep to who you really are and what you are here to do. You think you know, but you do not. You have an idea, an inkling. But it is only that. It is a faint sense, muffled by the noise and the weight of your fear. So be with that fear. Allow this fear to teach you. Allow this fear to teach you to Be Awake. Awaken yourself. Awaken yourself to Who You Are and What You Are. Awaken yourself to what you are here to do.

This is a time of Stillness. This is a time to rest and to go inward and contemplate yourself. For the world is changing and in that changing so are you changing. It is this change that will transform you and transform the world. Be with that. Be with that change. Become that change. For this change is you. It is your very Nature. Your Nature is change. Embrace it. Become it. Be it. Rest. Adonai.

If you enjoyed this and want to explore more, please visit the Integral Shamanism Tribe.


© Copyright 2021 Ramses Alexander

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